Product: Metastorm BPM®
Release: 7.6 SR3
Hotfix: 7****.6.3.7
Affected Components: Metastorm Web Client
Purpose of the hotfix:
This hotfix addresses the following issues:
- When an attachment having an ampersand (&) in its name is retrieved, the ampersand is changed to an underscore (\_). (Metastorm\# SR-11122009-0001, PF35109)
- An apostrophe (’) in the name of an attachment prevents the attachment from being downloaded. (Metastorm\# SR-01272011-0012, PF35466)
- In Windows 7, fields that are overlaid by other controls (such as Date Picker) cannot be clicked. (Metastorm\# SR-02252011-0003, PF35480)
- Deleting a single row in a Grid results in deleting more than one row. (Metastorm\# SR-04292011-0010, PF35477)
- Field marked as "Field Is dependent on another" loses focus when tabbing from a field that is marked as "Field has dependants of its own". (Metastorm\# SR-05132009-0026, SR-11102010-0011, PF34871)
- Form with a Grid marked as “Field has dependants of its own” or set to invisible shows hour glass cursor for folder at a stage. (Metastorm\# SR-04142011-0013, SR-05122011-0009, SR-02242011-0010, PF35478)
Implications of the hotfix and other considerations:
- Databases need to be setup with appropriate character set (for example East European character set) to support specific characters.
- Metastorm SharePoint Document Management System (DMS) supports working with files located only in SharePoint Document Libraries’ folders.
- If configured already, verify that DMS assembly version parameter web.config file of the Web Client is changed after the installation of this hotfix as follows:
provider="Metastorm.Dms.SharePoint,Version=,Culture=neutral,PublicKeyToken=0fa3cc64eebf4c8b" type="Metastorm.Dms.SharePoint.SPDmsProvider"/>
(The DMS provider is defined at the end of web.config)
- As a temporary workaround, this hotfix offers an option to set grid behaviour to the first row of a grid highlighted but not selected. Switch from 7.6 SR3 behaviour can be configured via HighlightRowOnly setting in the web.config as follows:
Setting HighlightRowOnly value to 0 reverts to 7.6 SR3 behaviour.