Is there any way to create custom controls in metastorm?
There is no specific support for ccustom controls, but it is possible to use custom controls within forms by embedded them in the form using javascript with client side data binding. I have personally done this with Rich Text many years ago, but I know others have done JQuery examples and treeviews.
Anyone have any samples they can include here?
We've used controls from Obout quite successfully in the past but there are lots out there to choose from. We used JQuery with v7 but I'm not sure how well this this works with v9. I've done some initial testing on a migration project and the differences between 7 and 9 are quite marked and it may be that we will use something else to replace jQuery functionality in v9 projects.
Paul Do you test JQuery in v9? I'm not sure if we should start try this by our own.