I am trying to insert data using the "insert rows" activity at post stage
I am using the following query to fetch data from Resources_Date(Table1) and insert the same data in Resource_Request (Table2). This query is working fine in Sql Server 2008 and inserting the same data as desired.
"insert into Resource_Request (RRID,PSNumber,Status,Resource_Comments,RR_Case_ID) (select a.RR_Number,a.PSNumber,a.Resource_Status, a.PrimarySkill,a.RR_Number from Resources_Data a where a.Resource_Status='Filtered');"
Even the same query is working fine in Business Object.
But when i use the same in the Insert rows activity it is showing following error:
Exception 'Invalid column name 'Filtered'.' occurred when attempting to 'Execute MBO non-query'.
I have tried with double quotes, removed the single quotes, used the process variable instead of value but still not able to resolve the issue.
Could any one suggest me how to resolve this issue.please let me know where i am going wrong. Is it the query which is giving the problem or the Filtered part ?
If not suggest me the best approach for acheiving the same functionality in Metastorm
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