Failed to execute deployed method 'DataValue', using entity

Hello All,

 I am trying to add db2 database connection from designer and i am sucessfully able to connect it to db2 database using IBM OLE DB Data provider for DB2.


But now when i am deploying the process on Metastrom Server and i am trying to do Blank forms for that process and its giving me this error:


Failed to execute deployed method 'DataValue', using entity 'Grid1'. SQL0998N Error occurred during transaction or heuristic processing. Reason Code = "16". Subcode = "2-80004005". SQLSTATE=58005


I also looked at the detailed log in Metastorm Administration tool and it's look like this:


Stack Trace: at System.Data.Common.NativeMethods.ITransactionJoin.JoinTransaction(Object punkTransactionCoord, Int32 isoLevel, Int32 isoFlags, IntPtr pOtherOptions) at System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnectionInternal.EnlistTransactionInternal(Transaction transaction, Boolean forcedAutomatic) at System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection.Open() at Metastorm.Engine.Connectors.OleDBConnector.Execute(String commandText, IList`1 parameters, Boolean includeSchemaInformation) at Metastorm.Runtime.Core.Mbo.MboConnection.Execute(String commandText, IList`1 parameters, Boolean includeSchemaInformation) at Metastorm.Runtime.Core.Mbo.ExternalDataMbo.LoadDataFromDB() at Metastorm.Runtime.Core.Mbo.Query.LoadDataFromDB() at Metastorm.Runtime.Core.Mbo.ExternalDataMbo.get_Data() at Metastorm.Runtime.Core.Mbo.Query.get_Data() at Metastorm.Runtime.Core.Mbo.ExternalDataMbo.Read() at Metastorm.Runtime.Models.VehicleSuspense.QueueMaintenance.Declarations.QueueMaintenanceFields.Declarations.Grid1.get_DataValue() at Metastorm.Engine.Evaluation.FolderEvaluation.<>c__DisplayClass60.b__29() at Metastorm.Engine.Common.ExecutableElements.Wrapper[T](String call, String context, DelegateTemplate`1 function, IFolder90 folder, ExecutableElementsContext contextType, ExecutableElementsFunction functionType, Type source)


On new blank form its should display one From which has Grid control in it and which will fetch the data from db2 database and display in Grid.


Thanks for your help





  • I am posting the solution here if it help to anyone.


    The problem got resolved by just unchecking the DTC option for db2 connection, it's look like DB2 not working with Distributed Transaction co-ordinator it's working without DTC.



    Is anyone has idea what will be the impact of using DB2 without DTC and how can i make it work with DTC?





  • I hade the same issue and resolve it the same way with connection to mysql.