The attached code is a sample which shows you how to allow MIM Transfers to be automatically resubmitted. The operation is configurable based on error code.
Hi again,
I'M trying to get this to work. As per your documentation I should have status.xms include file in my */Programs/XMScript/Includes/ directory but this file can't be found no where in my install.
It is actually I've attached it here.
We managed to implement your script into the Script Servlet Engine process - thank you for the code.
However, we noticed that the script doesn't release the connection to the queue after it completes it's pass. We do not know if it is a problem with the code you provided or the installation we have done.
The scripts runs perfectly until it reaches up to the Max Handles value in the QM and from that point we get the following entries in the log (see below).
Any insight will be appreciated.
INFO 08 Jun 2012 02:27:17,078 [ScriptServletEngine] - Fri Jun 08 02:27:17 2012Script[fixitprocessor] initializing...
INFO 08 Jun 2012 02:27:17,078 [ScriptServletEngine] - Fri Jun 08 02:27:17 2012 [fixitprocessor] FIXIT processor starting using configuration file: [Services/Config/fixitprocessor.xml]...
INFO 08 Jun 2012 02:27:17,203 [ScriptServletEngine] - Fri Jun 08 02:27:17 2012 [fixitprocessor] Qmgr already connected, continue..
INFO 08 Jun 2012 02:27:17,203 [ScriptServletEngine] - Fri Jun 08 02:27:17 2012 [fixitprocessor] Exception in openQueues:
INFO 08 Jun 2012 02:27:17,203 [ScriptServletEngine] - <?xml version='1.0'?>
INFO 08 Jun 2012 02:27:17,203 [ScriptServletEngine] -
INFO 08 Jun 2012 02:27:17,203 [ScriptServletEngine] - 1
INFO 08 Jun 2012 02:27:17,203 [ScriptServletEngine] - 0
INFO 08 Jun 2012 02:27:17,203 [ScriptServletEngine] - 2010
INFO 08 Jun 2012 02:27:17,203 [ScriptServletEngine] - Object 'General' not found during lookup of 'General.platform' in object 'QueueManagerAttributeList'
INFO 08 Jun 2012 02:27:17,203 [ScriptServletEngine] - XMO Class
INFO 08 Jun 2012 02:27:17,203 [ScriptServletEngine] - fixitprocessor.xms
INFO 08 Jun 2012 02:27:17,203 [ScriptServletEngine] - 2
INFO 08 Jun 2012 02:27:17,203 [ScriptServletEngine] - \}
INFO 08 Jun 2012 02:27:17,203 [ScriptServletEngine] - deleting xmscript virtual machine
Can you please post the log with debugging? You can place the statement debugMode(1); in the code to turn on line by line debugging.
Attached is a run with the debug on.
Is this the entire log? I don't see where it tries to connect to the Queue Manager.
Yes, it appears that the log wasn't complete. Here is the full version (I hope). I do not see any indication that there is a disconnect action on the queue within the code. Is it possible that is it only done if there is a message in the fixit, i.e. when commit is invoke?
Sorry for the delay in responding. I have been out of the office for several weeks.
Having reviewed the log, I do not see a specific problem I can identify. Please send me a personal message. We can do a WebEx to see what might be the problem.