Metastorm BPM 9.1 Hotfix 2 (

Product:                          Metastorm BPM®

Release:                          9****.****1


Affected Components:  Metastorm Process Designer, Metastorm Process Engine, Metastorm Deployment Service, Metastorm Web Client

Purpose of the hotfix:

This hotfix addresses the following issues:


  • When Daylight Saving Time is enabled, the earliest date (or time) that can be set for a Date/Time field is
    incorrect if the time zone of the client is different to that of the server. (Metastorm\# SR-07262011-0002, DEF18416)
  • When Daylight Saving Time is enabled, the value in a dependent Date/Time field is incorrectly saved to the database. (Metastorm\# SR-07262011-0004, DEF18417)
  • When Daylight Saving Time is enabled, the value in a Date/Time field on a form is offset by one day when the form is submitted. (Metastorm\# SR-07262011-0005, DEF18418)
  • When Daylight Saving Time is enabled, the Web Client machine displays incorrect date. (Metastorm\# SR-03152011-0004, DEF17123)
  • When a row in a Grid is clicked multiple times, the value in the Date/Time field changes every time the row is selected. (Metastorm\# SR-09272010-0001, SR-11232010-0021, SR-11172010-0006, DEF14368)
  • No message is generated in the eLog table when a new project or new version of a project is deployed.
  • No message is generated in the eLog table when a session is created or deleted.
  • No message is generated in the eLog table when a user with insufficient privileges tries to deploy a project. (Metastorm\# DEF18473)

