I have seen this before and I can't remember the reasons why...When publishing a child workflow model at times the parent objects (which are shown as inputs and outputs) do not show up in the published Word document. Can you refresh my memory?
What version of ProVision are you using? Are you seeing the contextual objects, or are those dropping in the publish? Can you share an example of what you're seeing (in PV versus what's in the publish)?
Matt Michael
We are on v6.2.4 and i attached what my customer is seeing, let me know if it is not clear. The Dispatch activity is a clone on the parent model. "Dispatch work" is the child process in question.
Hello again,
Are you able to drill down to the 'Dispatch Work' model from the 'NSG Business Process' model? I'd hazard to guess that the user isn't selecting the appropriate Context when building the Publish list. Here is how to select the appropriate context.
Add the "Dispatch Work" model to the publish list.
Click on the "Dispatch Work" model in the Publish List.
Click Advanced at the top right corner.
Select the correct Context and click Ok.
click Publish and finish Publishing. Verify that everything appears as expected.
That's it! I remember now. Thanks!
I am not seeing the 'Advanced' option. Can you send a screen shot?
See the attached. Please note, "Advanced" only appears when there is more than one context for a model.
Thanks Again!