SSO Log on Issue

I am currently trying to log on using the SSO functionality.  Before I can logon, I am asked to provide my domain credentials for the box that the Metastorm app server is on.  Is there a way to skip the domain login?



  • This likely to just be a IE setting...


    By default in any zone other that "Local Intranet" when IE encounteres Windows Authentication it will prompt for credentials.


    This can be altered in the IE security settings.

  • I added my Metastorm URL to the Trusted Sites and then changed the security for that.  Do you know what the proper setting would be?

  • Hi,


    I am not sure what you mean by correct setting, as any choice in security has positives and negatives...


    However, in the following properties, the only setting that will not show a dialog is "Automatic logon with current username and password"...







  • I wanted to let you know that the reason that SSO kept asking for an ID and password was because we were crossing domains.