We are pleased to announce the availability of the OpenText BPM Mobile for Metastorm BPM Version 1.0. This product extends the Metastorm BPM solution by empowering you to fully participate in or initiate business processes from Metastorm’s BPM suite via smart phones or iPad.
This release includes extensions to the Metastorm BPM design environment (in BPM version 9.1 SR1) that enable you to design forms for users accessing the system via mobile devices. Integrated Mobile BPM capability reduces the cost and time to implement mobile solutions that may be part of an overall business process improvement project. The OpenText BPM Mobile capability is available to all OpenText customers on active maintenance for Metastorm BPM.

This is available from the Knowledge Center: https://knowledge.opentext.com/knowledge/cs.dll?func=ll&objId=20187966&objAction=browse&sort=name