Where do I find the download? Also, is it worthwhile?
To have access to downloads (Installers, Documentation, Product Packs, etc) you will need to register with Metastorm Community Central (if you have not already done so). The following link explains how to register: http://communitycentral.metastorm.com/t5/Welcome/How-to-Register-with-the-Community/td-p/847 . After you have registered you will need to send an email to CommunityAdmin@Metastorm.com to link your new MCC account with your Customer Support ID. After that has been completed you can login to MCC -> Click Support -> Click ProVision Support Site, click 'Product Downloads' and then click the 'downloads are now "here"' link (or go to https://knowledge.opentext.com/go/Metastorm ) and login with your MCC credentials. To acquire Documentation, here is the path you would follow: click Documentation -> Metastorm Knowledge Exchange Documenation -> then click Metastorm Knowledge Exchange 6.3.1 Documentation and then download the appropriate docs. On the https://knowledge.opentext.com/go/Metastorm site you can also navigate to KE and PV downloads.
You can also read the Release Notes to see what has been fixed and what has been added to the product.
Matt Michael