Hi, I've been searching vastly for this message and obviously found a number of post which did not provide me with a solution or to be a similar problem.
I have an Administration Form that shows the folders of a certain process on a Folder Grid and there is a drop down field that holds the name of the columns displayed in the grid as options and there is a radio field with "asc" and "desc" as options, as you are figuring out this two elements enable the user to sort the rows of the grid according the desired column.
Here is the funny (and headache maker) thing, this simple function worked fine until last week, after that, I get the error mentioned " Fail to commit action. Folder not locked for action" and there is no sign of errors in Elog Table just a warning in the windows event viewer saying " Action - nameofaction - failed, the folder idofthefolder is currently locked by username " .
If a limit the recordset grabbed by the engine by adding " top 62 " before the text of the first column of the grid, the sort function works like a charm with any of the combination of the dropdown values and the radio field. I really don't know if I might blame a folderid, cause everything seems fine in the both process and efolder tables. Administration Forms of other process are not affected.
The number of process instances are barely above 500, as a mention, if a limit that number to 62, works as it usually did. I'm not making inserts, updates or deletes, just reading the process table to show the total of folders generated to date. Also, folderids displayed in warnings not exist in either efolder or process tables.
Any help would be really appreciated as I've exhausted my resources.