There is an open source tool enabling report generation out of a model created in Provision. It enables one to create a word document with whatever structure and put there a reference marks to model resource. It is possible to report properties, follow the links (e.g so you have all the performers within all the processes found under a selected set of business domains) and it retrieves also model pictures. You can populate tables with a formating and styles of your own - like having the first row repeating on each page, and having a specific caption under the table. The problem here is, that it is a problem to extract pictures of a diagram used in several contexts, or to extract all the layers (Provision returns only the one that is active or a default one). However, the tool helped me a lot to generate a delieverables that are built to suit customer's reading needs and after any changes of the model it was really easy to re-generate an outcome again (not a one-click way - you need to do at least two clicks
You can find the tool on Codplex portal under iBPM Reporter project (one-click installation supported). I have more examples and if you would found this an interesting way to interpret your Provision models, let me know.