Could someone from the Metastorm team please explain the reasoning behind sharing the eEvent table in the side-by-side operation? All of the other changes make sense but this change does not seem necessary and causes issues with existing V7 processes.
Enabling side-by-side cause all new V7 events to record in the V9 eEvent table. The previous V7 eEvents are left in the eEventBackup table. There are views provide in the V9 database that will union the data but there isn't anything created in the V7 database to do the same. All V7 activity after side-by-side is enabled is recorded into the V9 eEvent table through the use of the eEvent synonym. Any V7 processes that queried the eEvent table would now only see the new entries via that synonym. If nothing is changed, the queries in the V7 procedures that accessed and displayed eEvent entries for auditing and other purposes would appear to the users as if they had lost the folder's history prior to the side-by-side deployment.
It would make sense to resolve this issue in a few ways.
- Create a view in the V7 database that unions the V7 eEventBackup and V9 eEvent tables as is supplied in the V9 database. This technique would require modifying and deploying all of the current V7 procedures to use the new view and is the least desireable method.
- Leave the V7 eEvent in tact and allow the V7 engine to continue logging entries in its own table. Unless there is some technical reason for having the V9 and V7 engines share the table once side-by-side is enabled it seems to make sense that all of the V7 data including the eEvent entries remain in the V7 database until the process is migrated to V9.
- Include in the instructions for enabling side-by-side or execute through installation script a copy all of the records from the V7 eEvent table to the V9 eEvent table so that all of the data is in one place and visible to the V7 eEvent synonym.
Technique 2 or 3 would make the use of eEvent entries seamless to the current V7 processes an not require a code change to enable side-by-side. I have currently addressed the issue using technique 1 but would like to have an explanation as to why I shouldn't use technique 2 or 3.