Hi All
Having a strange issue. Myself and another developer in a different time zone are using a virtual machine to develop a solution at different times. What we are finding is that when he saves the solution at the end of his day and I open it I get a load of validation errors and when I create / update a solution and save at the end of my day he gets validation errors when he opens the solution (we dont get the errors when we open ourselves).
Typicall errors we get are:
DateTime is an ambiguous reference between Metastorm.Runtime.Types.DateTime
The type or namespace '****' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly?)
I think it might be regional settings issue as we also had a funny testing dates and times whereby when he used RDC to get on the VM and tested a solution, when he entered a date on a form it would save in the DB with a date one day prior to what he selected!
So if he entered 30/01/12 the date in DB would be 29/01/12. We got round this by changing the timezone on his machine but this has not fixed issues with sharing solution files!