Can anybody point me towards some examples of implementing the Person control in V9. Its all well and good to come out with these things but give us some examples.
See the attached solution. You can use a person control wherever you previously used a textbox to display a username. This allows you to do things such as:
- Display the user's online presence information
- Real Time Chat
- Search For Users using Skills and other Criteria
Note that some features are only present when using the contol in the Smart Business Workspace.
JD wrote: Can anybody point me towards some examples of implementing the Person control in V9. Its all well and good to come out with these things but give us some examples.
JD wrote:
I have a small piece on it here:
Unfortunately my take on it was:
This used to (in the Beta) allow filtering by role or manager set in the Designer, but is not possible now as it was not working properly. Frankly the lack of any filtering for these fields makes them very little use to us as they are. We would only very rarely have the option to select any user for as field. We have been told that this filtering will be introduced when it works, and at that point they would be useful.
The name filter is also only possible as a ‘name contains’ the entered string, which may be very inefficient for large user bases. We typically offer a ‘starts with’ option set by default as this allows use of an index."
and it has now been removed from our Development solution, available from our site, because of these limitations, and because we kept getting failures when using them in a grid. Something like "cannot find table 1".
Nice idea. I would love them if the role filter was re-introduced, the name filter were at all configurable, and the grid issue was fixed. Oh, and if they worked properly on Oracle, which the do not because SBW does not.