Metastorm BPM Process Orchestrator for Web Services 7.6.3 Hotfix 2 (

Product:                          Metastorm Process Orchestrator for Web Services

Release:                          7.6 SR3


Affected Components:  ECL for Web Services


Purpose of the hotfix:


This hotfix addresses the following issues:


  • The ECL returns a DataSet and XML, causing more than double the data to be transferred affecting performance. (Defect \# SR-03152011-0010, PF35488)

Implications of the hotfix and other considerations:


  • This hotfix provides two new methods: CustomListsXml and CustomListDataSet. Each differs from CustomList only in the type of returned data.
  • CustomListXml - Returns a custom alerts or forms list in plain XML format.

    CustomListDataSet - Returns a custom alerts or forms list in an untyped .NET DataSet. The DataSet schema is defined by the custom list definition published to the database.

  • Metastorm BPM 7.6 SR4 should be used with this and later releases of Metastorm Process Orchestrator for Web Services.