Using Metastorm Created an external connection through the designer (i.e., connTest). Within a C# script, we accessed the connection using: Metastorm.Runtime.Contracts.Mbo.MboConnectionInfo connSHARED = new Metastorm.Runtime.Models.MBPMUserSyncProject.connTEST(); It worked for about 2 months then it stopped working. In doing some debuging, I ran the script and I get the error, user **** unable to log in. I checked the username and password through ODBC and through the designer with no problems. I viewed the connection info through the Admin Tool and saw that the password was encrypted. So as a test, I decided to connect directly to the database using SQLClient. It worked. Has anyone also seen this? I haven't updated the Metastorm Environment at all. Is there some setting in Metastorm or SQL Server that would cause this behavior? See code sample below: //Metastorm.Runtime.Contracts.Mbo.MboConnectionInfo connSHARED = new Metastorm.Runtime.Models.MBPMUserSyncProject.connTEST(); //log.Debug(string.Format("SQLActiveEmployees = \"{0}\"", SQLActiveEmployees)); //dtActiveEmps = Mstm.SelectSql(connSHARED, SQLActiveEmployees).GetDataTable(); log.Info("begin our test script"); string cnStr = @--connection string--; using (SqlConnection cn = new SqlConnection(cnStr)) { cn.Open(); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(SQLActiveEmployees, cn); SqlDataAdapter adpt = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd); //DataTable dtActiveEmps = new DataTable(); adpt.Fill(dtActiveEmps); } log.Info("Fetch all of the users from the 'SHARED' SQL Server database"); //log.Info(connSHARED.ConnectionString.ToString());