There has always been a need in our company to occasionally change field behavior on the fly, based on other selections made on the same form. For example, if the user says a deal on the pipeline is going to be serviced in house the provided Loan Number field on the same field would become required. If it is going to be serviced externally, the Loan Number field would just be optional. In previous versions, the recommended way to accomplish such a feat was to use the good old "create two versions of the same field" method with a checkbox in the background turning visibility of the required/optional fields on and off. Now that we are experimenting with a side-by-side v7.6.3 and v9.0.1 interface, on our development environment, this same situation has prompted some curiosity on if the best practice for accomplishing flexible field behavior has changed with some of the more recent enhancements. Namely, is ther