As far as we can see, Time Zone adjustment, instead of being limited to date-time fields, seems to have been applied in some way to all date-time variables. This can affect all fields, even date only fields, since the variable may be calculated. We are certainly seeing the issue in the upper & lower validation properties for date (not date-time) fields when we have a server in another time zone. Can anyone tell us exactly how Time Zone adjustment is now supposed to being managed, and how it affects Date & date-time fields and date-time variables. Start with the 'Current' time - that appears to be inconsistent and badly flawed as far as we can see, for example. We are using that appeared to fix some TZ issues, apart from the one selecting a row in a grid (that nobody seems to have noticed). We notice the doco states: 1.9 Engines and Time Zones The way the Metastorm Process Engine handles Time Zone adjustments has changed from version 7.x. In version 9.0 Time Zone adjustments is done by the Engine and is calculated as the difference between the browser client and the Database management System (DBMS) server time. This means that if the browser machine is in a timezone +2 hours ahead of the DBMS machine and is also 10 minutes fast then, then the extra 10 minutes will also be reflected in the time displayed to the client. For this reason we recommend the time of a service is not changed while users are offline. Although not essential, we also recommend that all Engine servers in a service are time-synchronized with the database server in case user-defined server side scripts make use of .NET date/time or calendar types. It is essential that Daylight Saving Time is disabled for the DBMS server. However if a service needs to support only users in a single time zone, or many time zones for which Daylight Saving Time is always applied on the same date (such as in the European Union), Daylight Saving Time can still be applied on the Engines in that service. Firstly we assume "offline" here should be "online". Secondly we note the following: "It is essential that Daylight Saving Time is disabled for the DBMS server." Is that really, really true? Can anyone else point to an application with this restriction? also: "Although not essential, we also recommend that all Engine servers in a service are time-synchronized with the database" so the Engine should not be DST enabled? What if it is and the DBMS is not? What effect will that have (without any 3rd party components, just the web client)?