Logging client script errros

Is there any way to log errors from client script onto the server log ?


I know you can do this in custom code using AJAX and passing the error back to some aspx/jsp on server side. Wondering if there's some Metastorm aspx we can hook into (with the assumption that metastorm does capture clientside errors into the server logs)


Or is this not possible at all - in which case, whats the best practice ?


a. just let it die anyway, and let IE report its useless "object expected" 

b. throw the error on screen as an alert, asking user to send screenshot to IT ?



  • Hi Prax, We always make sure we build error handling into the javascripts and make sure the customer sees user-friendly error messages. In your javascript error handling "catch" part you should be able to set the error message to a field on the form and then press a hidden button via script which then could write the errormessage into your logging table or your custom error log file using server side code. Never done it before. Worth a try.

  • Thanks Sascha - thats an interesting idea. I'll try if that works.