We are migrating old 7.6 processes to new 9.1 SR2 version of Metastorm and we are experiencing a MAJOR performance degrade when loading forms and trying to do database searches and displaying the result in a grid.
Searches that took 2-3 seconds to be shown in result grid before now takes 30-60 seconds to be displayed. First we thought that the bad performance could have something to do with that the code was migrated so we rewrote everything in "native" version 9 code, i.e. using new business objects. This did not help much.
It seems to be a correlation between old HW and really bad web client performance, but the problem in my case is that you don't tell a major 2500+ employee company to upgrade all their computers to be able to work with decent speed in a upgraded system that before the upgrade were quite snappy.
Our client has a mix of old and new computers running XP or windows 7, the corporate standard web browser is IE7.
My question is have not somebody else noticed this HUGE performance degrade in the web client? It's very silent in the forums.(Or it might be me doing crappy searches?)
Does anyone have any thoughts or improvements suggestions?
I will try to reach out to Metastorm support with this issue as well to see if we have done any major mistakes converting our processes.
One thing that's a lot better with version 9 though is the server side script execution, it's really fast. But that's not anything the users notice much because the rendering of client side pages take so long.