Hi guys,
Hi Chun
Try to delay the execution for half a second, like this:
function MaximiseForm() { window.setTimeout( function() { top.window.moveTo(0,0); if (document.all) { top.window.resizeTo(screen.availWidth,screen.availHeight); } else if (document.layers||document.getElementById) { if (top.window.outerHeight < screen.availHeight||top.window.outerWidth < screen.availWidth) { top.window.outerHeight = screen.availHeight; top.window.outerWidth = screen.availWidth; } } }, 500); }
The above works for me in 9.1.1
Thanks! it works for me.
This is only workaround. But it would be nice to have some client side property to check if all form is loaded and initialize for this purpose.