I found the release notes on Knowledge center but no binaries.
You can download the latest version of ProVision from http://knowledge.opentext.com . You will need to login, but once you have done so, you can browse to Business Process Solutions -> Downloads -> click Metastorm ProVision -> Metastorm ProVision 6.3.1 -> Metastorm ProVision V6.3.1 hotfixes -> Then click Hotfix 4 -> from here download the latest installer. You should see the HF4 release notes as well as the installer.
Matt Michael
Thanks Matt.
Is Hot fix 4 cumlative in that it includes hot fixes 1 ,2 and 3 ? Do I need to apply 1,2,3 in order before I apply 4 ?
Hey Prakash,
All hotfix releases for PV and KE are cumulative, thus you only need to apply the latest hotfix. Please note, the hotfix acts as a normal installer would. So if you have v6.3.1 already installed, you will need to uninstall your existing v6.3.1 and then install the latest hotfix (if you run the hotfix 4 installer, it should handle prompting for an uninstall for you).