CRUD Matrices

Can anyone help point me in the right direction --- I read that PV is capable of doing this and I can see in the standard matrix list where there's a CRUD matrix for the activity / business class "connection" but I have no idea how to define and display anything.  Thank you!



  • Hi Ted,


    The CRUD Grid is an Association Grid found on the Table Inventory view under Activities, Attributes, Business Classes, Business Processes, and Systems. It maps either (1) Attributes or (2) Business Classes to (1) Activities, (2) Business Processes, or (3) Systems. There are 4 valid entries, C meaning Create, R meaning Read, U meaning Update, and D meaning Delete. It allows you to denote Create, Read, Update and/or Delete at the Attribute or Business Class level for either an Activity, Business Process or System. The CRUD information will show up on the interpretations and/or in a Navigator Model.


    Matt Michael