Using the HandleZipFile script/workflow using MIM I'm having very infrequent issues with the Transfer of the unzipped file to its final destination.
Four large zip files (usually 300-350mb) are pulled simultaneously from a Linux file system initiated by a Directory Monitor. Each file goes through the HandleZipFile script/wf and each is successfully unzipped and written to a temporary Windows file system (usually 3-4 gig each). However, the subsequent Transfer_File processes for each that move the unzipped files to a zOS file system occassionally do not run . The result is that the unzipped files are not sent to the mainframe and there is no notification of failure (since there is no failure.....the Transfer_File just doesn't run). The unzipped files remain in the temporary directory having never been transferred to the mainframe.
I'm not sure what 'triggers' the file transfer to run once the unzipped files are written to the temporary file system. The CreateXfers step successfully completes all steps.