Every six months we run a survey about how people are using SharePoint. Some surprising results have been revealed. For instance, in the survey running now through October 1st, we see that BPM/workflow is the #1 third-party app being considered for running on top of the SharePoint platform. In the last survey from Winter 2011, we found that SharePoint 2010 deployments had grown from 8% to 42% of enterprises in just six months.
The survey covers topics about SharePoint and BPM, user challenges, plans for cloud, strategies for training, BPM maturity, levels of mission-critical content stored, and more. If you have 2 minutes, we invite you to participate in the current survey HERE. The survey results are free and will be mailed to everyone who participates.
As with all surveys, we remind everyone that it is not the stats that count. It is what you do with the stats. For example, if BPM is the top 3rd party app being considered for deployment on top of SharePoint, we want you to consider – should we be doing the same thing, or does this validate BPM plans we are already executing. When the survey reveals that few companies put a training plan in place for SharePoint, should you organization be doing the same? Or when a trend is showing that more and more businesses are adding mission-critical content to SharePoint, we want you to ask – would our organization feel comfortable doing the same.
Surveys provide great opportunity to think about, validate, and challenge our current thinking. We invite you to participate and when the free results are published – to learn from others in the SharePoint and BPM community.