Metastorm Integration Manager
When using Directory Monitor, MIM ignores (do not pick up) files with special caracters in the filename. What caracters are accepted by MIM? IS it ASCII caracters 0-127 or else?
Thanks all!
Regular Expressions are used to select the files. I don't know of any limitation as to the type of the files that are to be picked up, though it may be OS dependent. You may want to turn on the tracing and debugging to see if Directory Monitor is ackknowledging that the file is seen but ignored.
Ok, after turning on the tracing and debugging, I can confirm that the Directory Monitor sees my file. The result is below:
INFO 26 Apr 2012 10:01:01,328 [DirectoryMonitor] - 120426 10:01:01 DIRMON DSRV00001 Warning: Couldn't lock \Transfer\A\-removed-@ZZZCan – Part ? Note Regulations - Copy.url38, failure code: 2, failure reason: Could not open file
Notice the "?" in the file name. The real file name has a different caracter. From my research It is the roman numerical number 1 (U+2160).
So here's what I think is happening. Directory Monitor probably reads my filename, does not know what the caracter is so it's changing it to a "?", but when it tries to rename it, it can't because the file does not have a "?" in it. So it just can't do anything with it.
Would this make any sense?
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Yes. I would recommend you contact our support team.