Is there a SOA modeling language available or at a minimum a gallery/stencil we could use?
Hello David,
We do have a ProVision SOA primer document that I am attaching. This is intended for experienced users, and the document is aimed at utilizing the EA Management modeling language. There are extensive links from the capability object throughout Metastorm ProVision® and we have an approach that utilizes capabilities extensively for EA as the topic of building block models.
Best Regards,
Matt Michael
Hey david -
I hear you have a Bart on the way! Call/email me about the SOA stuff and we'll chat.
Ken Goerg
The little Bart Simpson is here, he came early...nothing like an emergency run to the hospital. I will send an email with details.
Thanks Matt. I'm assuming V9 will also support this? Hopefully I will be able to Beta test soon.
Hey David,
Yes, v9 should support this as well (though you may need to convert the file).
Hey Ken
We met way back in 2008 at the Metastrom user conference in Baltamore.
Pity none of the stuff from the EAMPP made it into an expanded and updated Enterprise Architecture Modeling language. Tried adopting some of the ideas in the EAMPP to the Government Enterprise Architecture for NZ (GEA-NZ) custom modelling language.