I am now connected to server and have the notebook open. Can someone help me understand what I should now be doing? Also - where is the list of all the new functionality?
The CCBC::CCBC V9 Beta notebook should walk you through the major items that are in this release. Please let me know if there any questions as you navigate the Beta Notebook.
I have found one ommision that I will correct. In the Setup Govenance Reviewers workflow model, the Notebook Manager account (-removed-) account should be used to log into BPM.
---Note: Some information in this post has been hidden to protect privacy.
I guess I am slow -- where exactly is the list of enhancements, changes, etc in PV9? Are you telling me that I need to look at a bunch of workflows and triangulate that against a goal model and do some sort of hocus pocus to determine what they are? Or .... is there simply a list somewhere that I can read?
It's on 45% -- last time it was on 27% ---- is something wrong on the server end?
V9 has many features but I would like to call out the following:
Governance: Knowledge Exchange now gives you the tools to manage change within your data. With Governance you have the ability to route approval requests to approvers. The approver list is dynamically built based upon configurations you specify.
Governance provides many benefits to organizations. First it allows the modelers to continue working without disrupting the consumers of the data. Secondly it allows companies to keep an audit of changes for archival purposes. A key component of governance, but that does not require governance is the difference report. Users will be able to compare versions of the same notebook to see what has changed. The report shows graphically and textually the changes for quick identification.
Knowledge Exchange Widgets: With this release KE Widgets goes into full product status. We have combined features from WebVision with a rich UI. We provide features for users to filter the content and to provide the ability to focus on the content that matters to the user. In the product pack, we release our base set of widgets. Model Explorer, Object Discovery, Model Status and the System Monitor. With this release we add the Difference report widget. This widget, launched either standalone or from in Model Explorer will allow KE Widget users to view the differences between versions of notebooks.
Model Explorer contains the base features of Webvision, model viewing, interpretations, search, property editing but adds the ability for filtering, setting favorites and setting default notebooks and models. These features give our users incredible power to get to the models that they need to.
OData: Our OData interface provides an industry standard way to interact with the data stored in KE. BI reporting tools as well as Excel have built in interfaces to query, filter and present data.
ProVision: Governance, click to zoom, publishing support and property layout for all object types are some of the many items included in this release.