By David Berglund
While not documented or formally supported, several customers use the Execute360 RegDBUtils.dll to produce log files for custom code that runs on the Execute360 Server. The debug file writing functions of regdbutils are thread safe and obey the log file location and rollover configuration defined for all Execute360 log and debug files.
The following VBScript sample code illustrates how to use this module:
Dim myDBG
set myDBG = createobject("RegDBUtils.DebugUtils")
myDBG.dbgFileName = "MyApp.dbg"
myDBG.dbg("MyApp is writing out some stuff.")
The output appears like:
2011/05/25 18:26:46 MyApp is writing out some stuff.
There is also a .NET version: regdbutils_dnet.dll that works similarly with slightly different code:
Imports Global360.EX.RegDBUtils
Dim myDBG As New DebugUtils
myDBG.debugFileName = "MyApp.dbg"
myDBG.WriteDebug("MyApp is writing out some stuff.")