Script doQuery() Problem

By -removed-


I am new to Case360.  I do not have the formal training.  I am strictly trying to follow instructions and examples in the help.   I am trying to execute doQuery() and consistently getting this error in the log.

ruleBasedProcess >>> com.eistream.utilities.UtilityException: Expression evaluation error: error in doQuery near offset 17 in line 3. The item that you requested is not currently available.

My script is:

parameters = new PropertyMap();
parameters.put("form.OPPORTUNITYSK", "5");
FmsRowSet rows = doQuery("FindCreateEMIForOpportunity", parameters);
for (row : rows)
    wi = (Workitem)row.object;

This is very close to a couple of examples provided in the docs so I am certain I have just missed something in the docs. But I have spent a couple hours rereading and searching without any luck.  I appreciate any assistance anyone can provide. 

Thank you

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  • By -removed-


    I managed to get it working by changing the where clause on the subquery.  I thought that messqge meant it could not access the query.  With the where clause I had, the query would have returned nothing.  Apparantly the error meant it did not find anything.

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