I have this main form with a button that I use to call an administration form, the issue is when ever I use it and later close/save or submit the folder, I can no longer call the form as it bring up this error msg.
Error in: http://localhost/Metastorm/Forms/QualityAudit/en-ZA/eForm.aspx Map: QualityAdministrationGroup Client: External Action: frmAddCorrections FilterParams: txtInpNCID;3;Text:txtInpFolderID;0900000000000000000000000002441;Text:txtInpCauseID;1;Text:txtInpTESTRisk;High ;Text Error Message: Failed to read attachment. Stack Trace: No stack trace available
The only way I'm able to use Administration form ( pops up when a button is clicked) is when I deploy my solution, I have to do this every time if I have exited the main form.