Metastorm BPM 9.1.3 Hotfix 1 (

Product:                          Open Text Metastorm BPM

Release:                          9****.****1 SR3

Hotfix:                              9.1.3****.****1

Affected Components:  ****Metastorm Web Client, Metastorm Process Designer, Metastorm Deployment Service, Metastorm Process Engine


Purpose of the hotfix:


This hotfix addresses the following issues:


  • Tab order of forms with panels in the Web Client does not match with that of the Designer. (Metastorm\# SR-05022012-0002, DEF20161)
  • Deployment does not succeed when a project contains ProcessContext variable in 'Help URL' property of an Administration Form. (Metastorm\# SR-05222012-0005, DEF19812)
  • Designer displays an error when creating a new database connection using Define Connection>Advanced. (Metastorm \# SR-05222012-0017, DEF20284)
  • Administrative Tools cannot be used in recovery mode when using Oracle as the database. (Metastorm\# SR-04262012-0017, DEF20157)
  • Mapping does not exist between Metastorm and the .NET data types. (Metastorm\# SR-04262012-0013 DEF20152)
  • Chained action with code activity displays an error message in the Web Client. (Metastorm\# SR-04262012-0019, DEF20155)
  • Character-set mismatch error is displayed when running the Oracle eWorkPackage.sql file to set up a Side by Side database. (DEF20211)