We have a very strange issue in version We are getting the message:
Exception 'The statement has been terminated.
String or binary data would be truncated.' occurred when attempting to 'MBO update'.
The stack trace is:
at Metastorm.Engine.Connectors.OleDBConnector.Update(DataSet changedData)
at Metastorm.Runtime.Core.Mbo.MboConnection.Update(DataSet changedData)
at Metastorm.Runtime.Core.Mbo.ExternalDataMbo.SaveDataToDB()
at Metastorm.Runtime.Core.Mbo.ExternalDataMbo.Commit()
at Metastorm.Runtime.Models.TenderingAutomation.TA_Tender.Commit()
at Metastorm.Runtime.Core.Maps.Map.OnCommitAction(Object sender, EventArgs e)
at System.EventHandler`1.Invoke(Object sender, TEventArgs e)
at Metastorm.Engine.Runtime.FolderData.OnCommitAction()
at Metastorm.Engine.Runtime.Folder.SubmitData()
at Metastorm.Engine.Operations.FolderOperationHandler.CommitAction(String folderId)
at Metastorm.Engine.Operations.SubmitActionHandler.Process(String sessionId, String callerId, CultureInfo culture, String clientData, DateTimeOffset requestTimestamp, String folderId, String actionName, String formName, Boolean noLayout, Boolean autoReopen, Boolean autoChain, Collection`1 fieldInputList, String serverData, String clientType)
at Metastorm.Engine.Operations.FolderOperations.SubmitAction(String sessionId, String callerId, CultureInfo culture, String clientData, DateTimeOffset requestTimestamp, String folderId, String actionName, String formName, Boolean noLayout, Boolean autoReopen, Boolean autoChain, Collection`1 fieldInputList, String serverData, String clientType)
What is irritating is that this implies this occurs when the action submits, and yet the Designer Log entry lists the Form name and the action, which implies to me (from what I know of how the engine should work) that this occurs on the form save.
The error also points to an Editable Grid BO, as this particular has been reported when these go wrong. We do have one on the form although we are not adding or deleting rows, but I also believe that the process BO acts in a very similar way anyway.
Of course, this is impossible to reproduce in a test environment, despite using seemingly identical data.
Does anybody have an idea when this is happening, or why?