Metastorm BPM 9.1.2 Hotfix 3 (

Product:                          Open Text Metastorm BPM 

Release:                          9.1 SR2 **** 

Hotfix:                              9.1.2****.****3**** 

Affected Components:  ****Metastorm Process Engine


Purpose of the hotfix:


This hotfix addresses the following issues:


  • Loopback timed actions are not executed recursively when a variable other than WhenFolderLastUpdated is used. (Defect \# SR-06072012-0002, DEF20046)

Implications of the hotfix and other considerations:


  • Backup your custom settings before applying this hotfix. Some custom settings (for example, in IIS) might be reset after installation and customizations are applied.


  • After applying the hot fix, uninstall and reinstall the ProVision connector, if installed.


  • Redeploy all solutions for the following fixes to take effect:

    • The tab order does not work as expected when there is a panel inside a panel. (Defect \# SR-01272012-0012, DEF19482)
    • Timed action is not running more than once (eWait entry is not created). (Defect \# DEF19790)


  • After updating to version 9.1.2 or, additional folders, such as Designer and Engine, may appear on the target computer root drive. This is a known issue for which does not affect any functionality. This issue is resolved in the hotfix.


  • References to libraries created in 9.1.2 may become corrupted. To work around this problem, manually update the corrupted library reference in .BPMProj with the correct reference (shown below) and then redeploy the solution.


Note: This issue does not occur if you are upgrading to version 9.1.2 and then applying this hotfix. 


Note: Do not create or save libraries or projects in version 9.1.2 before applying this hotfix, since corruption will still occur and this hotfix will not resolve the problem. Manual corrections to the .BPMProj file will still be necessary to work around the problem.


The following excerpt from a .BPMProj file shows an example of a corrupted and corrected library reference.


Corrupt reference example



Correct reference example


