We have released the tool we use for managing our development as a Solution named Release Management:
The main purpose of the Release Management system is to manage the Development process. By itself, this has been a very valuable tool for many years. What we have now done is add many features to support our Process Assurance BPM Methodology.
Encapsulating the Documentation aspect of the Development process has been the main driver for the recent updates that have redefined this system. In all Rapid Development environments, Documentation is the most likely victim for exclusion. Typically it is not regarded as highly important. In our experience, for the success of any long-term project, it is absolutely vital.
Our goal was to make the process documenting of the changes made during Development not only easier, but vastly more useful than it had been typically to date. To do this we settled on two main ideas.
Firstly we added Business Rules, to allow non-technical users to define the requirements for various Rules. These can then be easily viewed and linked to Changes as they are made. In this way the Specification can be directly linked with the Development.
Secondly, we added the ability to document Design and Development details for every Change for each Component. This serves several important functions. It forces the Developer to clearly detail what has been done, making Reviewing much easier; it clearly details all changes made, including impact with other Components and other systems; it provides a complete history of all changes made to the System. Together, the benefits are enormous, and we believe the additional effort required to maintain this is as small as it can possibly be.