We are pleased to announce the release of OpenText Smart Business Workspace Version 9.1.1, which can be downloaded from https://knowledge.opentext.com/knowledge/cs.dll/Open/27468865 .This release is available to Partners/Customers with active maintenance agreements.
Complementing this release is the availability of
• OpenText MBPM Widgets Release 3: https://knowledge.opentext.com/knowledge/cs.dll/Open/27581853
• OpenText MBPM 9.2: https://knowledge.opentext.com/knowledge/cs.dll/Open/27493717
Release Highlights
Support for Single Sign On (SSO)
Single sign-on (SSO) allows you to sign-in once to gain access to all systems (including the Smart Business Workspace) without being prompted to sign-in again.
Customize the User Interface
The Smart Business Workspace’s core framework can be customized with your own company colors, logo, and preferred icons.
Performance Improvements
The memory management of the Smart Business Workspace has been improved.