Does anyone know if ProVision supports Archimate 2.0 or if it will in the future (and when). I saw an external presentation that suggested it did but cannot find any info.
Hi Roger,
I don't see Archimate specifically listed in the Roadmap.
Thanks Matt,
I did not see it either but thought that maybe it was available as an extension. I would be interested if others see value in adopting Archimate?
Hey Roger,
I am not certain on that matter, but I have sent a query to our PMs.
PM pinged me back on this one. We're aware of the standard but it is currently not on the roadmap nor is it currently on a schedule to be added. If Archimate gains more traction in the business community we may re-evaluate our position on this.
Matt Michael
Hi Roger:
You may want to check out the book, "Open Text Metastorm ProVision 6.2 Strategy Implementation". In the book, author Bill Aronson devotes part of chapter 3 to comparing ArchiMate objects to the Enterprise Designer framework.
Tom Foster
Where is an email address that I can reach you at?
Hi Matt,
Sorry, been off line a couple of days. -removed-
---Note: Some information in this post has been hidden to protect privacy.
I've sent you an e-mail with some things you may find useful.
Hi Matt and Roger
I'd be interested in this, I have a number of people in other NZ Govt agencies who are suggesting or using Archimate. Others swear by TOGAF, others use a NZ variation of the FEAF, then others suggest we adopt CEA (Common approach to Federal Enterprise Architecture) even though the lower level detail are yet to be published. Situation normal in the Enteprise Architectrure World then
Cheers ...... Jim
Hey Jim,
I've emailed you as well.
Hi Jim - My understanding is that Archimate (also by The Open Group - folks behind TOGAF) is a "language" for modeling Enterprise Architecture i.e. it provides notation to TOGAF which itself does not prescribe a notation and is really notation agnostic.
TOGAF and Archimate can complement each other very well.
Matt - can you send me (-removed-) links to materials that address the question of implementing Archimate using Provision ?
Many Thanks
Hi Prakash,
I sent you an email.