Does anyone know how to read a client side password textbox on submission of a form (or at any other time).
I am trying to develop a 'change password' form that has strict rules such as upper case, alpha and numeric.
In version 7, you simply accessed a client side field using the value property i.e. txtNewPassword.value. This would give you the unencrypted, client side value of the field. This no longer works. The field now does not have a value property.
I would love to be able to make this a server side function. But this isn't possible as by the time it is server side, it is MD5 encrypted. My only last point of call would be to make the field something other than a password type and script the masking seperately, but this would then introduce a security flaw.
As an aside, is there a server / client side scripting document yet? It would be useful to know the available functions...