I reported the fact that the adherence link is not appearing in tools customization and got told this is as intended as it is an association not a link (?) so therefore doesn't appear in customization. Not sure what that means as most of the links are created via associations. There are also links we can't do much too, like we can't add a custom property to 'Production'; but it still appears in the tools customization. Anyway point is OpenText don't see this as a bug and as there is no documentation in about it in the help we have no way to understand why.
On the lack of help documentation for the adherence link I have been advised to rasie an enahncement request. Isn't that process now to riase an idea via community central? Not sure what to make of this as I can't recall any idea to enhance provision raised via community central ideas went from "accepted" to "delivered". Frankly I would think that if someone pointed out that the documentation in help for the adherence link from a standard or rule was missing, the response would be "thanks" and it would get sorted. Adherenace to standards seems to be a rather major point of enterprise architecture.
Anyway I'll be adding this to the ideas so please give + kudoes so ProVision development at consider correcting the omission to the help documentation. With luck the update may even explain what is so special about this link that it doesn't show in customization.