I've got a situation where a IBM COGNOS reporting system is producing files for transfer by MIM. Unfortunately for me they cannot put out my files to a dedicated pickup location so the files are currently mixed with the report files of multiple people.
What we end up with is a Directory Monitor that is reading every *.xml file to find the file name of the file we need to transfer anmd then removing both the xml header file and the pdf payload file once complete.
To determine if we have the right "header file" we need to match the contents of the header file tot he following string...
/content/folder[@name='Datawarehouse Team Only']/folder[@name='Reconciliation']/report[@name='ETL Report automatic']
Once we have done that we need to retrieve the filename of the file to transfer and then pass that onto the direcotry mointor to pickup and transfer.
Are there any pre-built xmscripts for this sort of header control function?
Or does anyone have a pre-existing pattern for reading the contents of one file to determine the file name of the target file to transfer.
I'm brand new to xmscripting and i'm currently reading through the guides but i was hoping to adapt a pre-existing pattern if it existed.