This might be a noob question - I've never used map segments, and documentation on it is almost non-existent.
We have 3-4 procedures that have a form segment that basically show the same information, and the same variables. While reading up on map segments, it seemed like a good candidate for using map segments.
If I create a library, and a map segment inside it with the form segment (and variables) - what happens if
a) I use this library in a procedure but don't pull the map segment onto the "parent map". Does it still create the segment's variables in the parent procedure ? [aka does it create database columns simply by the act of adding a library with segment, or does it create columns when the segment is actually USED in a map]
b) I use this library in the usecase procedures, delete the existing "local" form segment and use the library's segment in the forms instead
- Will it delete and recreate the columns for variables (ie, will I lose all existing variable data for in flight/archived folders)
- Will it retain the data and just use variable references from the library's segment