In MBPM roadmap we can find:
Version 9.2 : Support for key Cloud Solutions
Version 9.2.1 : Additional Cloud Support
What this exactly means? Can we deploy MBPM on OpenText Cloud or Windows Azure?
Is there any documentation about this?
Several features have been already added to MBPM anticipating enhanced Cloud offerings including improved security and other internal infrastructure changes. These releases refer to those enhancements where the software has already been certified on the OpenText Cloud. We are taking customer orders on the OpenText Cloud today with contracts generated by evaluating the application profile and scope of service. If you have an immediate need, feel free and reach out to your account representatives for more information.
All OpenText BPM solutions are available in the OpenText Cloud today as managed hosted services and a general availability OpenText Cloud offering is coming soon leveraging OpenText Assure (announced at OpenText Enterprise World). This offering uses OpenText MBPM as the base capability along with some additional value-added components (pre-constructed processes, a self-service portal, a service catalog, and more). OpenText Assure in the OpenText Cloud has a subscription license model based on user type. Again, it’s generally availability status is coming soon. It will be rolled out as part of our world-wide cloud reach. There are going to be several additional communication events this quarter about this new offering. We look forward to sharing more soon.
We have customers and partners using our software in various cloud environments today. Our software can be licensed in such environments using our standard licensing model—a BYOL, bring your own license, style.