AD Integration: Directory Tree user property

Hi folks,

I'm working on an integration layer between Metastorm 9.2 and Active Directory and for the most part I'm happy with the solution I've created. One thing is puzzling me though... what goes in the eDirectoryTree column of the eUser table?

I am populating the eDistinguishedName column with the LDAP path to the user object, e.g.

CN=User.Name,OU=Office,OU=Town,OU=Country,OU=Ordinary Users,DC=company,DC=root,DC=local

which makes sense, and I believe is used for the Person form control.

The Administration Guide states the following about the eDirectoryTree user property:

[QUOTE]Directory Tree - This field is used when users are created from a company's user directory (e.g. Active Directory service). However this information can also be manually added.[/QUOTE]

...but doesn't specify how to use it.

Is it required for this column to be populated for any reason, and if so, what should go in here?

Many thanks,

