Solution Reporting Add-In (beta) for MBPM 9.2.1

If you are running MBPM 9.2.1, we have released a beta of a "Solution Reporting" add-in, which generates a STAR (STage Action Role) report of your solution. This add-in can be downloaded from


A few notes:

•This add-in will only run on OpenText MBPM 9.2.1, we plan to release a more version-tolerant release in the future

•This is a beta release so if bugs are discovered, please contact (and not OT Support)


We're keen for your feedback, so please do let me know whether you find this add-in useful.


A sample output of the report is below.





  • This looks fantastic. We haven't upgraded to 9.2 yet, but we are in the process of building out dev,qa,stage,prod now with the hopes of using 9.2. This looks a lot easier than parsing through db tables to figure out how/when the workflow is going to react. I'll be sure to give some feedback once we install.

  • This looks very useful. Looking forward to compatibility with

  • Very usfeul!


    It would be nice if in "Process Definition" report will be avaiables the "Applied to stages" information related to Common Stages.

    With this information you could have a complete view of the process


    thanks Max

  • Great to hear that this Solution Reporting tool is proving useful. The add-in has been rebuilt to work with and, you can access this from OpenText's Knowledge Center:

  • Thanks Max, good feedback,



  • I'd also  like to add my support - it's been really useful recently when I've needed to check that the correct forms and roles are applied to the correct stages and actions quickly..

  • Thanks for raising this Max. This is functionality I had built into the add-in but appears to have stopped working at some point.  Look for it in future versions.

  • Ok, it will be a good idea to show a "solution reporting" report, (generated during deployment of solution) directly in Administration Tools.

    This will help Administration Tools to become more helpful and complete for BPM Administrators.




  • The Solution Reporting add-in has been rebuilt with the enhancement of actions appearing next to the stages they are associated with. The updated build can be downloaded from the same location:

  • Uh! Thanks but i have Engine and Designer 9.2.1 and if i install the new version, the Designer crashes on startup.

    When we'll upgrade i 'll try new version

  • Unfortunately with the 9.2 environment we need a new build for every change in the designer version which is why this is a beta for now and you experience the designer crash. This will not be the case with the 9.3 release

  • Could you provide a build for hotfix?

    It would be useful if i could generate an xml of process structure as output, instead of html.


  • I will have to defer to product management on the release part of the question.


    Regarding getting the XML version - if you go to the MBPM Options there is a tab for Solution Reporting. On here you have the option to save a copy of the reporting friendly XML that is generated to your machine when you generate the report. The addin constructs this XML then applies the selected XSL report definition to it to generate the HTML report. As a result you could also quite easily create new XSL report definitions and drop them in the Reporting folder under your designer to see specifically what you are looking for. 

  • On OpenText knowledge center i'm able to download the adddin version, so if it's possible to release the addin with binding it will be perfect!

    Then i'll try to save and view the friendly xml.

    Thanks, Max