How I can have integration between Lotus notes and Metastorm for managing the workflow wherein user can act on the workflow from lotus notes itself? Do we have any such client t integrate with Metastorm? Can someone help on the same?
I believe the only solution that is provided right now is the office / sharepoint integration. You may want to look into using the ECL web service to communicate with the engine directly. It's fairly straight forward once you get the hang of it. Since you are using Lotus Notes (sorry) you should look into the javascript methods.
Aaron V wrote: You may want to look into using the ECL web service to communicate with the engine directly. It's fairly straight forward once you get the hang of it. Since you are using Lotus Notes (sorry) you should look into the javascript methods.
Aaron V wrote:
You may want to look into using the ECL web service to communicate with the engine directly. It's fairly straight forward once you get the hang of it. Since you are using Lotus Notes (sorry) you should look into the javascript methods.
This must be some new meaning of the term straight forward (or 'stratightforward') that I was not previously aware of!
Prerna wrote: Hi, How I can have integration between Lotus notes and Metastorm for managing the workflow wherein user can act on the workflow from lotus notes itself? Do we have any such client t integrate with Metastorm? Can someone help on the same?
Prerna wrote:
There are no longer any clients other than the web client. Even the sharepoint 'integration' is merely a set of links that effectively open the web client, allbeit with some additional features.
As suggested, you could errectively write your own with the ECL, but expect a lot of hard graft and some blood sweat and swearing before you finish. Once the hard work in understanding it and making it work is done, it is very powerful, however.
Thank all for the reply.