We are planning to migrate to V9 in about 9 months. The question has come up if it's worth it to configure SSO in our current V7 environment. Would this be a total 'throw away' or are there any SSO objects/scripts that could be reused in V9?
All of that will be discarded, yes. I has to be done again (and differently) in version 9.
And even in V9, following the V9 SSO set up instructions, they all get broken every time a MBPM update is applied. (Not sure about hotfixes, but definitely at the release levels.) The V7 SSO instructions built out a parallel/shadow web site in IIS, so patches didn't break the IIS settings as often. (I'm sure we could do something similar for V9, but we followed the V9 SSO install instructions and its now in place.)
That being said, 9 months is a while, so I guess it depends on why you'd switch to SSO now -- presuming you've been on V7 for a while anyway.
Because we have nearly 100 processes - some of which are larger in scale and complexity, we are preparing to configure side-by-side. So a version 9 web interface with both V9 and V7 processes. Does it make sense to configure SSO while we are side-by-side or would it be smarter to wait until all processes have been migrated and we are entirely V9?