i would like to know how is it possible deploy more solution at the same time using a command line...
Someone can i help me ?
Check Section 3.2.3 "Command Line Deployment" of the Administration Guide BPM. This covers how to use our command line deploy.exe. You can configure it to deploy all solutions in a given directory or only specific solutions.
I'm trying to deploy a solution from command line in 9.2.1 version, but i get an error message when the deploy parse the deploment services list xml.
This is the error message:
System.Configuration.ConfigurationErrorsException: An error occurred when attempting to parse the contents of the deployment service list file C:\Users\2509\Desktop\testdeploy\developmentdeploymentserviceconfig.xml. Check that the file exists and is formatted correctly. in Metastorm.DeploymentClient.Configuration.DeploymentParameters.InitConfig(String[] args) in Metastorm.DeploymentClient.Configuration.DeploymentParameters..ctor(String[] args) in Metastorm.DeploymentClient.DeploymentClient.PerformProcess()
This is launched command:
C:\Users\2509\Desktop\testdeploy>C:\Software\Metastorm\BPM\Designer\Deploy.exe /deploymentservice;C:\Users\2509\Desktop\testdeploy\developmentdeploymentserviceconfig.xml;SysAdmin;metastorm /c;C:\Users\2509\Desktop\testdeploy\Solutions\ZLibrary1\ZLibrary1.Solution
This is the content of "C:\Users\2509\Desktop\testdeploy\developmentdeploymentserviceconfig.xml":
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> net.tcp://bpmdev.popso.it/Deployment
I have already changed tag "ServicesList" with the new "DeploymentService" tag (like described in note of paragraph 3.2.3 of 9.2.1 Administration Guide).
Any suggestions?
Any suggestion?
Now we receive packed export of the project from testing environment and we manually open designer in production env and then deploy.
We want to use command line deployment (with xml configuration files) to "automate" deploy in production enviroment.
I'm headed down this road right now. Did you make any headway?
I have a requirement of deploying the latest library, then updating 5 projects with the library and deploying.
This needs to be automated and will be kicked off by TFS on all environments as they pass verification.
If I can get this pushed to DEV then QA today with the proper library and a seamless push I'll put together some documentation and pass it along. Something a little more step-by-step than OpenText provides.
I don't try anything after may 2013. I was hoping for help from Opentext, but nothing has arrived.
So i gave up...
Attached you could find my test, may it could be useful for you.
Keep me updated if you can make it work!
I use a command line deploy with xml config.
My command is:
C:\Programmi\Metastorm\BPM\Designer\Deploy.exe /config;myconfig.xml /forcelibmatch /deploymentservice;"C:\Users\icon\Desktop\testdeploy\testdeploy\DeploymentServiceConfig.xml";popsodev\71140;
in myconfig.xml i have these directories:
I have two Solutions in Solutions folder and one library in Library folder.
I would like to deploy two project with the new library.
Deploy works fine, from eprocedureLibrary table i see that two project references new library, but open two project i see the old library!!.
Someone could help me ??
I haven't run into this error before but if you can submit a ticket with MBPM Support (support@opentext.com) we can investigate in more detail.
The only thing I can think of offhand would be file permissions based on the "check that the file exists" error. In this case, I'd setup ProcessMonitor to figure out what user is trying to read the file and whether or not that user has access. UAC or just plain Windows file permissions could be doing something unexpected.
In BPM 9.2 Administration Guide, paragraph 3.2.3 there is the explanation of the behavior of the /forcelibmatch option.
If specified it search the latest version of the library in target repository (only if an exact match isn't possible), but it only update the database relation between project and library.
It doesn't update the library content packaged in the project...
"Use of this parameter causes the encoded project reference to be ignored at deployment time. If an exactlibrary version match is not available, an attempt is made to pair the project with the latest version of the library that is found. This does not cause the update of the library version recorded in the project.Permanent update of the encoded library version still requires opening the project in the Designer, anddetermining the correct library to pair with the project."
Anyone could explain me the reason for this choice, that cause an inconsistency between:
- the relation between project version and library version (EPROCEDURELIBRARY)
- the library "code" really packaged into project
and that doesn't update the library "code" used by the project?
And one other question:
For example I have one library and 100 projects that referencing it; if i deploy a new version of the library that is 100% compatible with the previous version (for example it contain a bug fix), i must open one by one the 100 projects in designer, update with the new version of the library and deploy...
And i must repeat this procedure for every environment in which i must deploy (dev/test/production)!!!
I spend more time to deploy than to implement a new library version!
What is the way to automate this process?
I was able to deploy from command line and the assembly is correctly updated in eprocedure table. Is there a way to update the projects (visible by designer) in addition to assembly? Does anyone know if there is a function to retrieve a project from command line ? In administration guide I found only deploy istructions.