Hi all,
Does anyone know how (or if it's possible) to reset the FolderID sequence or set it to an arbituary number?
I.e. the current maximum value in eFolder.eFolderID is '0000000000000000000000000038855' but I would like to tell the engine to set the next folder to '0000000000000000000000010000000' and begin incrementing from that point.
The reason I'd like to do this is due to an import of data from our production data warehouse into our development data warehouse which includes a load of production FolderIDs. I'd like to make an obvious distinction between folder data imported from production and folder data created in development.
I have tried simply adding a row to eFolder table with the desired eFolderID but this was ignored and normal sequence was maintained. I can't see any identity definitions set up on the table either which leads me to believe the engine must be generating the ID programatically. Is there any way to force set this?
Many thanks,