hi all,
we have some process used from web client (by end users), and others used by ECL.ws from java (or other languages) web applications, that needs to interact with BPM. These web applications are used from the end users.
The "end users" are the same in both cases, so, if a user login into web client, he could see in todolist (or watch list/blank forms list) folders coming from all the processess (based on his role).
We wan't to hide the processes that are used by applications through ECL.ws; in this way the users cannot see (and open) these folders from web client.
We need to have the users in todolist/watchlist roles because from ECL.ws they should work on the folders.
At this moment we use a strategy based on the origin of the current sessionID:
we store the sessionID's provided by ecl.ws into a DB table, and we have a server script (activity) that check if the current sessionID (process context) exist in the table (if exists it's related to ECL.ws).
We must put the "check script" in all actions in "Only show action if..." section, but when the folder is in a stage we couldn't hide it in users todolist.
Is there any way to completely hide a process in web client (but completely usable from ECL.ws)?
For example in configuration options.